Oh dear! Those animals with attitude! This combination of Bluebells, Chamomile, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, Chicory, Holly, Impatiens, Mimulus, Vervain, Vipers Bugloss, Vine and Walnut flower essences has been put together to provide balance for the naturally head-strong, stroppy and stubborn animal.
It is also suggested for those animals that have a tendency to show jealous, impulsive, barging or snapping behaviour and are generally unmanageable. This blend can help to change such defensive tendencies and develop new, more co-operative ways.
How to take
- Small animals such as birds or hamsters - 4 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
- Medium sized animals such as cats, dogs and rabbits - 7 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
- Large animals such as horses - 12 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
Do not exceed stated dose. If the animal is not eating or drinking, put drops directly into their mouth.
Tinctures of the flowers of: Bluebells, Chamomile, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, Chichory, Holly, Impatiens, Mimulus, Vervain, Vipers Bugloss, Vine, Walnut. Alcohol content: approx. 27%(v/v)